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Experimental ProcedureExperimental Procedure

The interview usually bases on the laboratory instructions (checking your theory understanding). If you do not pass it, your supervisor may not admit you to perform the experiment.

2.Experimental Measurements
At the beginning of the experiment the assistant helps the group to set up the equipment. She/he allows group to turn the electric equipment on and the latter has to be done in her/his presence.
The assistant gives the advice on what is to be measured, outlinining the step–by–step procedure for doing it.

3.Laboratory Worksheets 
During the experiment the students have to put all collected data (short calculations to check if everything is going fine), preliminary diagrams (schematic drawing to predict trend of taken data), remarks and conclusions in a worksheet. Worksheets exemplify notes of the engineers or scientists. No data may be put in any external notebooks, single sheets of paper etc. After completing the experiment the worksheet is verified and signed by the assistant. Worksheet without the assistant signature is not valid.

4.Final report  (at home)
 Each of the student group prepare one final report. The final reports ( with the worksheets as the attachments) have to be returned i.e. submitted for evaluation to the main supervisor on the following session. If any of the reports is not original (copy-paste problem!) or contains falsified data, not accordant to what was actually measured, it will be rejected.

Acceptance criteria

1.The presence on all 3 sessions is required. In the case of the illness student must give a note from a doctor and perform the lost experiment during the extra session.
2.In order to complete the Physics Laboratory successfully each student must get positive marks from all experiments. The grade scale is 2 – 5. Unsatisfactory mark 2 means that the report was not accepted. The final mark from the course is given as the arithmetic average over the partial marks.